Make a big impact with these little cards. Slim business cards are an appealing alternative to full-sized cards. Use them to label your suitcase, laptop, phone and other items so they can be returned to you. Carry them in any pocket or in your wallet. You’ll find many uses for these small business cards.
Our extensive experience, updated technology and innovative printing techniques mean your cards will have the exact shape and look you want. We specialize in printing business cards in all shapes and sizes.
Get a fitting design for your slim cards. One downside of a slim card is knowing how to design it for maximum impact. We can help. Our graphic design team can help you create a memorable card in a tiny space. We offer full-service graphics, layout design and printing. Count on our fast, reliable service to get your business cards when you need them.
16pt C2S Cardstock
100 lb Uncoated Cover (14pt)
80 lb Cover (9pt)
(Not available on all paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Gloss Aqueous
Matte Aqueous
We do tons of slim business card printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the slim business card template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your slim business card.
BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")
Using our slim business card template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
SIZE (W x H)
3.5x1.75 Slim BC
Make a big impact with these little cards. Slim business cards are an appealing alternative to full-sized cards. Use them to label your suitcase, laptop, phone and other items so they can be returned to you. Carry them in any pocket or in your wallet. You’ll find many uses for these small business cards.
Our extensive experience, updated technology and innovative printing techniques mean your cards will have the exact shape and look you want. We specialize in printing business cards in all shapes and sizes.
Get a fitting design for your slim cards. One downside of a slim card is knowing how to design it for maximum impact. We can help. Our graphic design team can help you create a memorable card in a tiny space. We offer full-service graphics, layout design and printing. Count on our fast, reliable service to get your business cards when you need them.
16pt C2S Cardstock
100 lb Uncoated Cover (14pt)
80 lb Cover (9pt)
(Not available on all paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Gloss Aqueous
Matte Aqueous
Digital Proof
QR Code
Shrink Wrapping
We do tons of slim business card printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the slim business card template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your slim business card.
BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")
Using our slim business card template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
SIZE (W x H)
3.5x1.75 Slim BC
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