Make your members feel important with sharp-looking membership cards. You might think nobody uses physical membership cards today, but that’s far from true. Smart marketers know that a physical card represents value to each member. It’s a reminder of the privileges they have as a member and a tangible symbol of their success. Mailing physical cards gives you another way to market your organization. We use die cuts, special coatings and your specifications to print cards that show your organization at its best.
Do you want your members to feel part of something special and important? Make them feel special and important with great-looking membership cards. Our talented designers can create winning designs that truly represent your organization’s purpose and image. They’ll listen to your ideas and design unique cards that will help your members feel like they matter.
12pt Synthetic (Plastic)
16pt C2S Cardstock
50pt C2S Cardstock
(Not available on all paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Matte Aqueous
We do tons of membership card printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the membership card template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your membership card.
BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")
Using our membership card template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
SIZE (W x H)
Make your members feel important with sharp-looking membership cards. You might think nobody uses physical membership cards today, but that’s far from true. Smart marketers know that a physical card represents value to each member. It’s a reminder of the privileges they have as a member and a tangible symbol of their success. Mailing physical cards gives you another way to market your organization. We use die cuts, special coatings and your specifications to print cards that show your organization at its best.
Do you want your members to feel part of something special and important? Make them feel special and important with great-looking membership cards. Our talented designers can create winning designs that truly represent your organization’s purpose and image. They’ll listen to your ideas and design unique cards that will help your members feel like they matter.
12pt Synthetic (Plastic)
16pt C2S Cardstock
50pt C2S Cardstock
(Not available on all paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Matte Aqueous
Digital Proof
Shrink Wrapping
Stock Diecut
Variable Data
We do tons of membership card printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the membership card template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your membership card.
BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")
Using our membership card template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
SIZE (W x H)
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