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Obituary Booklets

Obituary Booklet Printing

An obituary booklet is like a scrapbook of someone’s life. It is a wonderful way to show the highlights of their history. Use it to include those little details that made up the tapestry of their life, including ticket stubs, favorite restaurant menus, heartfelt photos, notes, letters and more. With plenty of pages, you’ll have room to reminisce. Choose double-sided pages in any standard page size, and add a cover for an elegant finishing touch.

Graphic Design Service

Our expert design team has created beautiful obituary booklets for our customers. We invite you to view these samples to see the difference that professional layout and design make. Our team is ready to help you produce a booklet that is a wonderful testament to your loved one’s memory. They’ll design the perfect cover and page layouts that make your story shine. Ask us about our affordable, all-in-one design and printing packages.

Product Details

Available Obituary Booklet Paper or Stock

100 lb Gloss Text
60 lb Offset

Available Coatings

(Not available on all paper or stock)
Gloss Aqueous

Options Available for Obituary Booklets

  • Binding
  • Digital Proof
Design Gallery Templates & Specifications

We do tons of obituary booklet printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the obituary booklet template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.

Obituary Booklet Specifications

If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your obituary booklet.

BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")

Obituary Booklet Template Download

Using our obituary booklet template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.

SIZE (W x H)


11x8.5 HALF FOLD


Obituary Booklet Printing

Obituary Booklet Printing

An obituary booklet is like a scrapbook of someone’s life. It is a wonderful way to show the highlights of their history. Use it to include those little details that made up the tapestry of their life, including ticket stubs, favorite restaurant menus, heartfelt photos, notes, letters and more. With plenty of pages, you’ll have room to reminisce. Choose double-sided pages in any standard page size, and add a cover for an elegant finishing touch.

Graphic Design Service

Our expert design team has created beautiful obituary booklets for our customers. We invite you to view these samples to see the difference that professional layout and design make. Our team is ready to help you produce a booklet that is a wonderful testament to your loved one’s memory. They’ll design the perfect cover and page layouts that make your story shine. Ask us about our affordable, all-in-one design and printing packages.

Available Obituary Booklet Paper or Stock

100 lb Gloss Text
60 lb Offset

Available Coatings:

(Not available on all paper or stock)
Gloss Aqueous

Available Obituary Booklet Cover Paper or Stock

100 lb Gloss Cover
80 lb Cover (9pt)

Available Cover Coatings:

(Not available on all cover paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Gloss Aqueous

Options Available for Obituary Booklets

Digital Proof

Order Now!


Please select the quantity of the same artwork you would like printed. For example, if you are looking for two different designs printed of 500 each, you will have to place two separate orders of 500, not one order of 1000.
Please select the size or the dimensions of your product in inches. The width is defined as the first dimension and the height should be the second dimension. (WIDTH x HEIGHT)
Please select if you want full color printing on one side or both sides. 4/4 and 4/0 are printing trade designations for a printed piece with four colors (full color) on the front side and four colors (full color) printing or zero (no printing) on the back side.
Please select the paper you would like your printing product printed on. The most common available are 16pt Extra Thick C2S Cardstock,12pt Thick C2S Cardstock, 100# Gloss Text Paper, and 60# Uncoated Offset Paper
Please select the paper you would like on the cover of your printing product. Self cover means that the cover will be printed on the same paper as the inside pages. If you want a thicker stock for the cover, please select it here.
Please select the total pages of your printing product starting with the cover as page one, the inside cover as page two, and the back cover should be the last page. The front and back of a sheet counts as two pages.
Please select the design option you would like.
Show Options

If you have a M13 Graphics offer code, please enter it here to receive special discount pricing. Restrictions may apply.

Turnaround estimates do not include shipping
Please select the turnaround speed you require for your printing order. Turnaround varies based on the type of turnaround you select and options selected when ordering. All times begin from the day we receive your files, your job is paid, and sent to print. Saturday, Sunday, and holidays do not count as business days.
    Economy: 2-4 Business Days
    Fast: 1-2 Business Days
    Faster: 1 Business Day
    Crazy Fast: Same Day
    Most Options Add 1-2 Business Days
4 - 7 Days
Please Call
3 - 5 Days
Please Call
3 - 4 Days
Please Call
Crazy Fast
1 - 3 Days
Please Call
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Design Gallery
Templates & Specifications

We do tons of obituary booklet printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the obituary booklet template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.

Obituary Booklet Specifications

If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your obituary booklet.

BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")

Obituary Booklet Template Download

Using our obituary booklet template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.

SIZE (W x H)


11x8.5 HALF FOLD