If you offer takeout service or hand out your menu as a promotional item, you don’t want to hand out your high-quality dine-in menus. That’s why disposable menus are perfect as backups. These lightweight menus can list your phone number, prices and specials.
We’re the menu printing professionals you’ve been looking for your whole life—or as long as you’ve been a restaurant owner. We can print half-fold, trifold and four-panel menus that work like marketing brochures. Include them with takeout and delivery orders or send them to local office buildings. Disposable menus are a must for every restaurant owner. We can print them in color or black and white and on any kind of stock.
Most people who keep disposable menus have a whole stack of them handy. If you’ve ever worked in an office, you’ve probably seen the office stash of favorite local menus. How will yours stand out from the crowd?
Our talented team of designers can help you create a menu that’s instantly catchy and memorable. If you’re offering specials, we make sure they’re the first thing people see. Our design team can help you with colors, layout and graphics to create a disposable menu too good to throw out.
16pt C2S Cardstock
100 lb Gloss Text
60 lb Offset
100 lb Uncoated Cover (14pt)
80 lb Cover (9pt)
(Not available on all paper or stock)
High Gloss UV
High Gloss UV on ONE SIDE
Gloss Aqueous
Matte Aqueous
We do tons of disposable menu printing, and we have streamlined the process to make it as easy as possible. Just download the disposable menu template for the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
If you are doing a custom size or do not see a template in the application you are using, please be sure to use the following specifications to design your disposable menu.
BLEED: 1/8" (0.125")
Using our disposable menu template is simple. Just download the size and application format you need, create your artwork, and upload your design to print.
SIZE (W x H)
11x8.5 Half Fold
14x8.5 4-Panel
14x8.5 HALF FOLD
17x11 4-Panel